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==Return to Westarctica==
==Return to Westarctica==
On 3 June 2010, Travis reclaimed the throne of Westarctica from Grand Duke Jon-Lawrence and promptly proclaimed Westarctica a protectorate.
===2010 Coup===
::''Main article: [[The Great Return]]''
From April - May 2010, Travis received impassioned pleas from the [[Grand Ducal Cabinet|Cabinet of Westarctica]], asking him to take action to restore Westarctica's prestige in the micronational community. After his departure from the throne in 2006, Westarctica had suffered several blows to its image as a sovereign nation, including the loss of its [[Westarctica.com|official website]] and a [[Siple War|prolonged conflict]] with other [[Antarctica|Antarctic]] micronations.
The ruler of Westarctica at that time was [[Grand Duke Jon-Lawrence]], who had previously served as Westarctica's chief herald and had assumed the throne from [[Grand Duke Philip]] in 2008. His rule had been criticized from Westarcticans and foreigners alike as both aggressively hostile as well as isolationist and, ultimately, negligent.
To fulfill the wishes of the people of Westarctica, from May - June 2010, Travis participated in a coup to remove Jon-Lawrence from the throne. The coup was successful and on 4 June, a Transitional Government was proclaimed that effectively reduced Westarctica's sovereign status to that of a Protectorate (unofficially a protectorate of Calsahara). As he was still King of Calsahara, rather than take the title Grand Duke, Travis adopted the title Protector of Westarctica and gave Westarctica's Minister of Defence, [[Duke of Waesche|Wolf Tulier]], the position of [[Prime Minister of Westarctica|Prime Minister]].
===2014 restoration of the throne===
In 2014, following his abdication from the throne of Calsahara, Travis formally reclaimed the title Grand Duke and incorporated Westarctica as a non-profit corporation in the state of California, thereby also becoming the Executive Director of Westarctica.
From December 2014 onward, Grand Duke Travis has grown Westarctica to a status few previously thought possible with its highest citizen counts ever and a dramatic expansion of the [[Hereditary Nobility of Westarctica|Hereditary Nobility]]. For the first time in its history, Westarctica became financially solvent and was able to meet its operating expenses exclusively through the donations of its supporters.
Utilizing the lessons he had learned from his years as a micronationalist, the newly-restored Grand Duke Travis leveraged his abilities as a public speaker and put his many years of experience as an actor to use by becoming a living symbol of Westarctica, its values, and its people.

==Personal life==
==Personal life==