Count of Krigsvold Fellowship

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The Count of Krigsvold Fellowship (formerly known as the Westarctica Conservation Scholarship) is an annual financial grant given to students pursuing field research in climate sciences or a related field.


The grant program was originally launched on 18 March 2020 at the behest of Westarctica's Minister of Conservation as the "Westarctica Conservation Scholarship." This annual grant of $500 was awarded each year for four years. In 2024, a suitable candidate could not be found and the grant was not awarded.

In December 2024, James Patrick Howard, the Count of Krigsvold pledged $1,000 to increase the annual award amount and slightly refine the grant requirements. The scholarship was subsequently re-named the Count of Krigsvold Fellowship in honor of His Lordship's funding pledge.

2025 will be the first year the new Fellowship is awarded.


This grant is available to anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in a graduate program (Master’s or PhD) at any nationally-accredited university or research organization worldwide (e.g., zoos, field stations).
  • Conduct research related to climate change or global conservation.
  • Plan to undertake the proposed research during the following academic year.


The first two years of the scholarship, awards were given to researchers outside the United States for projects in Africa and Antarctica. 2022 was the first year the scholarship was awarded to a research project based in the United States.

Portrait Name Year Project
Abena Dufie.png Abena Dufie Wiredu Bremang 2020 Water security of the White Volta Basin.
Katie Obrien.png Katie O'Brien 2021 Health of penguins living on Signy Island.
Michael cary Grant-2022.jpg Michael Cary 2022 Effectiveness of the Kyoto Protocol.
NBlake.jpg Nathan Blake 2023 Ecological impact of global livestock herds.

External links