The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Westarctica

The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Westarctica is a book written by Grand Duke Travis in 2012 about the history of Westarctica and its struggle to gain recognition as a sovereign nation.

Front cover of The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Westarctica


The book is written as a first-person memoir and carefully details Travis' motivations for creating Westarctica as well as his early activities to turn the nation into something real.

The plot includes a long chapter about the period from 2006 - 2010, when Travis was not involved with Westarctica. This section includes statements from the Duke of Waesche as well as e-mail fragments to help piece together the events that occurred during that time.


The book contains two appendices, one giving a list of all members of the Hereditary Nobility of Westarctica and the second showing a list of all knights and dames of the Order of the Snowflake. These sections are periodically updated with new names as new editions of the book are published.