Mount Moulton

Mount Moulton is a broad, ice-covered shield volcano standing 16 km (10 mi) E of Mount Berlin in the Flood Range of Westarctica.

Map showing Mount Moulton and nearby features

Discovery and name

Mount Moulton was discovered on aerial flights by the United States Antarctic Service in 1940, and named for Richard S. Moulton, chief dog driver at West Base and a member of the survey party which sledged to the western end of the Flood Range in December 1940.


  • On the northern slopes of Mount Moulton, there are steep icefalls, called the Moulton Icefalls.
  • The Prahl Crags are located on the southern slopes of Mount Moulton.
  • The Kohler Dome is located on the far end of the Moulton range.
  • Gawne Nunatak

Duchy of Moulton-Berlin

In 2005, Jon-Lawrence Langer, a long-time supporter of Westarctica and member of the Grand Ducal Cabinet, was granted the combined duchies of Mount Moulton and Mount Berlin. His new title, Duke of Moulton-Berlin, gave him control over the entire mountain range.