Holidays in Westarctica

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Holidays in Westarctica fall into one of three categories, as was established with WO-2020-002. They fall into one of three categories: National Holidays, Cultural Holidays, and Days of Observance.


Prior to codification in 2020, there existed only a list of holidays, with no structure or precedence. All of these days were retained with the new structure, albeit being placed into different categories.

National Holidays

These dates are considered to be the most significant, and will be handled as closure days for the government, as much as is possible.

Date Holiday Name Established By Notes
New Year's Day 1 January WO-2020-003 Celebration of the new calendar year.
Voting Holiday First Friday in February WO-2020-003 Although voting occurs over a three-day period, the first day of voting shall be a holiday to ensure maximum turnout.
Earth Day 22 April WO-2020-003 Intended to be celebrated by volunteering with conservation organizations and efforts.
Founder's Day 4 June WO-2020-003 Celebration of the birthday, contributions, and personage of Westarctica's founder, Grand Duke Travis.
Midwinter Feast 23 June WO-2020-003 Last of the three-day Midwinter celebration, this is a continuation of the Antarctic tradition.
Citizen's Day First Monday in August WO-2020-003 Day to celebrate and recognize all citizens of Westarctica. Commemorates the week the Grand Duke processed over 1,000 citizenship applications.
Outreach Day Third Monday in October WO-2020-003 Recognizing the establishment of Westarctica, Inc. Intended for volunteering in local community.
Westarctica Day 2 November WO-2020-003 Commemorates the mailing of the Claimant Letter in 2001. Celebration of nation's independence, culture, and history.
Summer Holiday 21 December WO-2020-003 Commemorates the first day of Summer.

Cultural Holidays

These dates are not given any official preference in Westarctica. Instead, this category identifies those celebrations likely to be observed by significant enough portions of the population that the government should try to avoid hindering the ability for those portions of the populace from being able to request time off. Private businesses in Westarctica are encouraged to treat them accordingly. When these observances coincide with National Holidays or another Cultural one, there will be no alternate observance.

Holiday Name Date Established By Notes
Eid al-Fatir Floating Day (sometimes twice in a year) WO-2020-004 Islam holiday
Valentine's Day 14 February WO-2020-004 Originally a Christian feast day, now more commonly a celebration of the significant others in our lives.
Easter Floating Sunday in the Fall WO-2020-004 Christian holiday
Winter Solstice Roughly 21 June WO-2020-004 Pagan holiday
Midwinter 21 and 22 June WO-2020-004 Continuation of Antarctic tradition and Westarctican cultural celebration.
Westarctican Pride Third Friday in June WO-2020-004 Gender and Sexual Minorities celebration
Yom Kippur Floating Day in Spring WO-2020-004 Jewish holiday
First Night of Hanukkah Floating Day in Late November or December WO-2020-004 Jewish holiday
Summer Solstice Roughly 21 December WO-2020-004 Pagan Holiday
Christmas 25 December WO-2020-004 Christian holiday often celebrated secularly

Days of Observance

While not explicitly holidays, these days commemorate people and events of significance to Westarctica. There are no government closures, although there may be a ceremony, speech, or press release from the Sovereign or Prime Minister.

Holiday Name Date Established By Notes
Balleny Day 14 January WO-2020-005 Commemorates annexation of Balleny Islands in 2005.
Constitution Day 15 February WO-2020-005 Commemorates signing of Constitution into law in 2020.
Technology Day 3 March WO-2020-005 Celebrates recapture of .com domain name in 2019, as well as nation's origins as an online community.
Ides of March 15 March WO-2020-005 Date to reflect on deeds of former Sovereigns and the lessons they can teach us, both good and bad.
Coup Day 2 June WO-2020-005 Celebrates the Great Return in 2010.
Order of the Orca Founding Day 10 July WO-2020-005 Recognizes establishment of nation's highest honor in 2019. Celebrates achievements and contributions of notable non-Sovereign Westarcticans.
Flandrensis Day 24 September WO-2020-005 Commemorates end of hostilities in 2010 and ongoing friendship between our two nations.
Calsahara Day 29 October WO-2020-005 Celebrates Westarctican liberation of the Kingdom of Calsahara in 2017.
Amundsen Day 14 December WO-2020-005 Celebrates first expedition to reach the South Pole, and first known humans to step foot on Westarctica, in 1911.